Fitness Facility to See First Equipment Upgrade in 12 Years
Some of the old ellipticals and treadmills that are soon to be replaced.
December 16, 2022
In 2020, a Construction Fund was established to renovate and improve the school. Now in 2022, due to a surplus from that fund, a much-needed project is in the works.
The fitness center cardio equipment will be getting an upgrade after 12 years of use by the school and community. The current machines are the original ones from when the fitness center was built in 2008. The renovation is being overseen by the elementary P.E. Teacher Tyler Kumpf.
“The cardio equipment will be more diverse. The new equipment will allow people to incorporate different types of cardio routines and hopefully people will take advantage of it. I appreciate [Superintendent Greg] Walker and the School Board for constantly making the commitment to keep our facilities updated with the best equipment available! ” said Kumpf.
The main reason for the renovation is the poor state of the equipment. In the fitness center, there are quite a few machines that are no longer in service. Most of the out-of-order machines are treadmills and ellipticals — which are the main machines used for cardio routines.
“The amount of use the cardio equipment gets in the fitness center from students and public is excellent. We have been spending several thousand dollars trying to keep the cardio equipment up and running,” said Kumpf.
The new equipment is as follows: three new treadmills, two row machines, two spinning bikes and two upright bikes. All of the equipment should be delivered within the next three months.
The renovation will benefit not only Paoli students who use the fitness center for their PE classes, but also the public who have been using it as well.