PHS Agriculture Department Welcomes More Piglets

Haley Owens, Paolite Staff Writer

This time of year the barn is full of new piglets being born into the PHS animal science program.

Senior Jalyn Engleking, seventh grader Haylie Gilliatt, junior Chloe Thacker, seventh grader Hannah Woolston, elementary student Cooper Woolston and seventh grader Keely Scott each own one of the six adult pigs in the program. Jacquey, ZZ, Ginger, Copper, BeBe and Peach were all expecting piglets this winter.

Of the four pigs expecting litters in the program on campus, the first set was born on December 30.

“The purpose of having the pigs at the school is to have Real World hands on learning by the students and Real World business experience for the Ag Business class. Also, so we can have good pork in our cafeteria at the high school and Throop,” said agriculture teacher Cory Scott.

The piglets will stay in the barn until the week before spring break, which is when the department has their annual pig sale.

“Everyone is welcome to stop by and see the babies. We hope that everyone will learn the amount of work and time it takes to get food on your plate,” said Scott.