PHS in Search of New Guidance Counselor

Haley Owens, Paolite Staff Writer

As the end of the school year nears, it is becoming more important to fill the open guidance counselor position at PHS, which the school is working to do. The opening has been posted on the Department of Education website and applications are being accepted at this time. Anyone interested in applying for the position should submit their resume and application. Interviews with possible candidates will occur at a later time. 

The guidance office is very busy at this point, but they are working hard to meet students’ academic, social and emotional needs.

“With the amount of emails, phone calls and students we speak with, it is easy for us to overlook something. If you have questions or concerns, please stop by or send us another email. We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as we continue to work hard for you,” said Guidance Counselor Rachel Robinson.