Rams Face Cancellations, Find Successes in Second Year

Carley Higgins, Peyton Baker, and Gracie Walls


After six wins and eight loses, only three matches are left in the season. Junior Isaac McBride has been a key player for the singles part of the team, and juniors Lucus Stroud and Treyvin Street have had a strong doubles season. The team’s best match was against Salem on August 17.

“They are a team that beat us last year and lost no starters. We were able to jump over that hurdle and beat them this year and set the tone for some good early season wins because of that confidence I believe,” said Head Coach Matt Wolfe.

Although the junior high tennis team has had multiple games cancelled, they still hold a winning record of 4-1.


As of September 18, the girls golf team ended their season with sectionals at Otis Park. Their best match was on August 17 at the Valley Links, where they scored 220 points as a team.

Some players that stood out this year are junior Serenity Sweet, averaging 56 per meet, and senior Hayley Taylor, averaging 59 per meet.

“We had five players this year with two of them being freshmen and I knew we would struggle some. We started the season pretty well and I could see improvement from everyone. However, as we finished the last several matches, including the sectional, we actually began to shoot poorer as a team. I think we kind of wore down physically and mentally,” said Coach Brad Bledsoe.

Junior Serenity Sweet and senior Hayley Taylor add up their scores following their golf meet.


As of September 21, the varsity football team has a record of 2-1, and JV’s record is 1-1.

“We have had a lot of guys who have stepped up on offense and defense. Too many to count our best ones,” said Head Coach Neil Dittmer.

Some players who have stood out this season for JV are freshman Johnny Shellenberger and Ian Drake. One of the best games they have played was on September 17 against West Washington.

“We have never had to question effort, they always put forth good effort,” said JV Head Coach Brian Wilson.

The eighth grade football team has a record of 2-0, and seventh grade’s record is 2-1.

“We had initial setbacks due to [COVID19], but as we have returned the team’s effort has been more focused on winning the games that we get to play. There are always things to fix, but our athletes show up everyday looking to improve,” said Head Coach J.D. Emerick.

The Varsity Football players line up and prepare for their next play opportunity.


As of September 21, the Varsity volleyball team has a record of 7-4, and the JV’s record is 7-3. Some players who have stood out this season for junior varsity are sophomores Gracie Brown and Stella Windhorst, who have both stepped up this season, not only with skill but with attitude as well.

“We’ve improved from last season, and we are working more as a team this year than last year. This has made games and our season overall more enjoyable as a player,” said senior Emma McCrary.

As of September 21, the eighth grade volleyball team has a record of 1-4, and seventh grade’s record is 0-5. Some players who have stood out this season for the eighth grade team are setter Maddie Vernon and middle hitter Charli Chastain, and for the seventh grade team are setter Marci Carter and middle hitter Allie Kumpf. One of the best games they have played was on September 16 against Northeast Dubois.

“The junior high volleyball program is coming along as expected. It’s been a tough season for the seventh graders due to missing the entire last season due to Covid. However, I have seen great improvement from many players,” said seventh grade Coach Jennifer Coleman.

The Varsity Volleyball team claps it up after a successful volley.

Cross Country

With the season coming close to an end, the XC teams have been doing really well. Their best meet was the county meet at Orleans, where senior Hannah Albertson placed first. Sophomore Luke Oldham, and juniors Cailyn Baechle, Abby Bruner, and Jacob Workman have been working hard throughout the season.

“The girls are doing really well this season.Hannah and Cailyn put in a lot of miles over the summer and their preseason work is paying off,” said Coach Summer Hudleson.

As for JH XC, star runners this year include seventh grader Zaden Taylo and sixth grader Jordan Albertson, and seventh grader Addy Moffatt and fifth grader Aubrey Burris.

“Each kid is dedicated and has made improvements. They all should be very
proud of what they have accomplished individually and as a team,” said Coach Missy Bostock.

Sixth grader Maria Chastain runs against opponent at Crawford County meet.