Caps and Gowns Available Now!
December 13, 2021
As the first semester is coming to an end, seniors graduating early need to be aware of their duties. These seniors are expected to email Senior Class Sponsors Melissa Higgins and Carol Fullington in order to stay updated on future dates and events, including the senior trip and practicing for graduation.
Caps and Gowns
Caps and gowns are available for seniors to order. To do so, visit the senior Classroom page and fill out the order form with height and size. After ordering, $30 will be due to Higgins.
Senior Headshots
Senior headshots are also being taken and should be scheduled. Contact seniors Emma McCrary or Tinsley Moffatt, @[email protected] or @[email protected]. Headshots can be taken before school, during 1st, 4th and 7th period, homeroom and after school. Headshots should be scheduled before winter break if possible.