Pride of Paoli attended Solo and Ensemble Feb. 5
February 23, 2022
On February 5, the band traveled to Jasper Middle School to attend their annual Solo and Ensemble Festival. This is where members of the band have the opportunity to showcase their musical talents individually and perform pieces of music for judges to earn a rating. Over 30 events were entered from Paoli and from those 16 were Group I (highest level).
Students who qualified for State include seniors Haley Cox, Elijah MacDonald, Kylee Charles, Michael Hannon, Angie Ceja; juniors Brody Wilcox and AJ Lopez; and sophomores Daniel Adams and Jacob Young. On Thursday, February 24 a recital will be held in the auditorium at 7 p.m. to feature these qualifying musicians.
On Saturday, February 28, these students will be traveling to North Central High School to attend State Solo and Ensemble Festival.