Jumping for Joy
Trip rewards Junior High accomplishments
Junior High students play dodgeball at Urban Air during their reward field trip.
November 7, 2022

On November 1, many junior high students traveled to Urban Air Trampoline and Adventure Park in Bloomington as a reward for meeting several criteria during the first nine weeks. This trip was planned by Event Coordinator Tammy Noble.
The requirements to attend were no missing assignments, no suspensions and no failing grades. Once deemed eligible, students were required to pay a $20 dollar fee and turn in a permission slip. Any students not meeting the requirements stayed at school for the day.
The day of the trip, students reported to homeroom and boarded their buses around 8:30 a.m. Arriving at Urban Air approximately an hour later, students stood in line for socks in order to jump and participate in the other activities.

Students also purchased snacks and drinks while they were there. Around noon, students and staff left to go eat lunch. Afterwards, students returned to school and went to their homerooms to await dismissal.
The next junior high field trip for the second nine-weeks will be at Big Splash in French Lick. In order for students to attend they must meet the same criteria mentioned above.
For the Urban Air field trip, only 82% of the junior high could attend. The goal for this next field trip is 85% eligible or more.