Ram Runners Race On
Rams to Face Mitchell and Springs Valley Tonight at 5 p.m.
Senior Austin Benales leaps over a hurdle in one of his hurdle races.

The Rams have started their track season with some good placements against some tough schools, like Northeast Dubois, prospecting a good season.
The Rams had a meet on Tuesday, April 4. The boys team won against Borden scoring 83-40.
Finishing in first place for the Rams were senior Austin Benales with long jump, also placing first in 110m hurdles and 300m hurdles. Benales also got first in the 4x100m relay with sophomore Dashawn Robertson, junior Matteo Sambruni and freshman Dane Padgett who also won high jump and 200m. Senior Marty Higgins won shot put, discus and 4×400 relay with junior Willson Windhorst and freshmen Kolt Bonta and Coen Brace. Freshman Jacoby Piper won the 3200m.
Robertson finished second for the team in the long jump and 100m, also finishing second was sophomore Oscar Lewellyn in shot put. Senior Xander Phelps placed second in the high jump, as did senior Camron Meehan in discus, Sambruni in the 200m, Piper in the 1600m, Bonta in the 800m and Windhorst in the 400m.
Finishing in third for the Rams were Phelps in discus, Robertson in 200m, freshman Colton Baechle in the 800m, senior Dawson Poe in the 3200m, Brace in the 400m and Sambruni in the 100m.
“I think that the season has gone pretty good so far, the boys are constantly beating their personal best times which is all you can ask for when competing. At this rate with the team constantly improving I think by the end of the season we will be very competitive,” said Benales.
The girls team earned a second place finish with a score of 44-78.
Finishing first place for the Rams were junior Carley Higgins with long jump, freshman Libby Newkirk in discus, sophomore Jericho Hopper in shot put and senior Kyrsten Fehribach with 100m hurdles, 300m hurdles and high jump.
Finishing in second were Higgins in the 800m and 4×400 relay with Fehribach, senior Cailyn Baechle and junior Anna Radcliff who also got second in the 100m and Hopper with discus.
Finishing in third place were junior Eliza Ross in discus, freshman Maddie Vernon in the 100m and 400m, Radcliff in the 200m and Baechle in the 1600m.
“The season is going well, the team is not as big as it was last year, but we have some good freshmen filling in the spots. We started out rocky but the pieces are falling in line. I feel like the team will be able to do really well at PLAC and be fierce competitors,“ said Fehribach.
Track Comes in Second
The track team had a tri meet on Thursday, April 6 against Northeast Dubois and North Daviess, the boys came in second with a score of 63.5, with NE Dubois beating us by just nine points with a score of 72.5.

Coming in first for the Rams Benales 110m hurdles, long jump and the 4x100m relay with Robertson, Windhorst and Sambruni. Piper won the 3200m, sophomore William Baker 1600m and also won the 4x800m relay with Baechle, Brace and Bonta.
Second places are Meehan high jump, Robertson long jump, Bonta 800m and Higgins discus and 4x400m relay with Windhorst, Baker and Brace.
Coming in third place was Robertson 100m, senior Connor Evans 200m, Windhorst 400m, Baechle 800m, Benales 300m hurdles and Higgins shot put.
The Lady Rams placed second with 45 points, coming in Fehribach in high jump and also won the 4x100m with Higgins, Vernon and Radcliff
Coming in 2nd place was Vernon 100m, Higgins 800m, long jump and 4x400m relay with Radcliff, Vernon and Baechle that also got second place in the 1600m. Fehribach came in second in the 100m hurdles and 300m hurdles.
In third junior Lily Stroud 100m, Radcliff 200m, Higgins 400m, Baechle 800m, Hopper shot put and junior Stella Windhorst discus.
“We are continuing to see better performances each meet, and I think we’ll have kids that will win some events at PLAC and advance out of Sectionals,” said girls Coach Summer Hudelson.
The next meet will be tonight against Mitchell and Spring Valley, the meet will be at home at 5 p.m.
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