This school year, the administration announced that violators of the dress code will face different consequences than in previous years.
Although the actual dress code has remained the same, the consequences of violating it have changed for the current school year. If students can not fix their clothing to comply with the dress code, they will spend the day in ISS instead of being sent home.Â
Assistant Principal Adam Stroud states that the administration has given grace during the first week of school and educated the students on the new changes. However, in the upcoming weeks, corrections and referrals will be handed out.
“Our goal is to be as clear as possible on the expectations and have the student follow those expectations. We do not enjoy seeing students get in trouble and prefer to educate and prevent trouble. However, a big part of the job in administration is to enforce the policies put forth by our school and state,” said Stroud.
If students have questions regarding dress code changes, they may go to Stroud or Principal Ed Wagner.