Applications for the National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society have opened up for the 2023-24 school year.
Applications are in NHS Sponsor Melissa Higgins’s room and Mariah Buchanan’s room in the junior high hallway. To be eligible for NHS or NJHS you must have a 3.5 unweighted GPA, no discipline issues, and a desire to make a difference in our community.
Tapping will be held during homeroom on Monday, September 18, and September 24 at 3 p.m. in the auditorium.
“NHS is a great organization to be a part of if you’re someone who is interested in helping out in our community and is also a great thing to have on college applications. Juniors and seniors also get to take a cool trip at the end of the year,” said Higgins.
To know if you are eligible to join NHS or NJHS, check the list outside of Higgins’s room.