In physical education classes, students run the mile to get in shape and as a part of the five components of physical fitness. The five fitness test components are cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition.
The mile is 1600 meters long, four times around the track. Students at Paoli must run the mile in physical education class and record a time. According to Coach Neil Dittmer, a fast mile time for boys is under five minutes. For girls, it is between six to six and a half minutes. Coach Cole’s Advanced PE students must run under eight minutes to get full credit. Cole’s general classes must run a mile in under nine minutes.

Indiana High School Athletic Association runs the State Track Finals with the fastest runners in the state every year. Last year, Martin Barco from Martinsville ran the quickest time for the boy’s mile run at 4:07.45. Nicki Southerland from Delta ran the fastest time for the girl’s mile run at 4:43.73.
According to the records from the physical education teachers, sophomore Jacobi Piper has the fastest mile time so far this school year, with a time of 5:39.
Piper remarked that it felt good to have the fastest time. Having the quickest mile came with hard work.

“I do a bunch of stretches and run like two laps, and then I’m ready. I practice daily for about 30 minutes to an hour,” said Piper.
The fastest girl in gym class is seventh grader Briza Zapien at 7:33.
Piper runs cross country and will run track in the spring. Ram fans can watch his running journey in and outside of class.