Tri-Hi-Y is collecting items for kids in the Children’s Hospital in Louisville. This drive is for kids of all ages who have stayed or are currently staying in the hospital for an extended time. The group hopes this project will help and give joy to the kids in the hospital.
They want the donations to help cheer up the kids in the hospital or give them something to do. The group would like to collect crayons, coloring books, children’s books, young adult fiction, stuffed animals, toy cars, small Lego sets, grippy socks and more.
Tri-Hi-Y Sponsor Maria Wishart will deliver the donations to the hospital after collecting them.
“I hope the donations help the kids in the Hospitals and give them something to do while they are there because some kids stay there for months and it can get boring for them,” said Wishart.
Tri-Hi-Y has planned this project and hopes to do it again.
Anyone interested in helping the project can donate many idioms that may help kids while they spend their time in the hospital. Donations can be delivered to the school or Wishart by Oct. 31.