On February 7, the Lost River Career Cooperative ( LRCC) will host a Career and Technical Education (CTE) Night. There are many pathways offered through LRCC. Some pathways offered are Fire Science, Criminal Justice, Digital Design, Health Science, and several others.
Each program that LRCC offers will be presented on CTE Night. Representatives from several companies will also attend to speak about the jobs offered in each pathway.
“During CTE Night we want students and parents to learn about the career opportunities they have and pathways they can choose along with all of the benefits with the classes such as FREE College Credit classes, certifications, types of jobs available after graduation, and what students do in the CTE classes,” said CTE Night coordinator Jason Goodman
There will be a giveaway during this event. Nine $25 gift cards and one $100 gift card will be given away. Snacks and drinks will also be provided during this event.
Anyone interested in what type of CTE-related classes you could take next year should attend this program. Anyone else in the community is welcome to attend this event. Students and parents from junior high through sophomores are encouraged to attend this event.