New life is expected to arrive at PHS in December and January. Students in Cory Scott’s animal science classes artificially inseminate their pigs and have been waiting for the births. The pig program started in 2014 with a pig named Ms. Boots.
“We wanted to do more hands-on and active learning within the ag classes,” said Agriculture Teacher Cory Scott.
This approach would allow students to understand their studies’ real-world applications better.
The owners, senior Keeley Scott, sophomore Graydan Padgett, freshmen Kutter Springer and Lucas Charmikle, and eighth grader Luke Bruner, have been actively involved in the pig program, demonstrating a keen interest in agricultural practices. Throughout this program, these students have learned essential skills such as feeding, health monitoring, and maintaining proper living conditions for the pigs.
“My favorite thing about the pig program is getting to learn and experience new things every day. The pig program has taught me the importance of hardwork and dedication,” said Scott.
Springer’s pig, Faye, is expecting this Friday, December 6.
“Knocking on wood, everything this year has been running perfectly and smoothly,” said Springer.
Students can use a live webcam that streams footage of the pigs all day, allowing them to observe the animals in the pig barn. All you have to do is download the app “DMSS.” Once you’ve downloaded the app, click to start the app. Once in the app, continue with the following instructions:
- In the top right corner, select the + inside the circle
- Select the SN/Scan option
- Enter SN manually, 5M07822PAZ29640
- Select “NVR”
- Enter a name for the system (Example-PHS Ag)
- Enter the following username and password
Username: student
Password: paoliag2021