The PHS Drama Club is getting ready to present a new set of performances for its upcoming shows. Instead of a single show, the next production will include two short comedies.
“They are two short plays (vignette shows) that are fast-paced and give more people time in the spotlight,” said Drama Director Maria Wishart.
Auditions for “When Bad Things Happen to Good Actors” and “Will You Be My Nemesis?” will be held on December 11 in the auditorium. Anyone in grades seven through twelve is invited to attend auditions.
Students with an eye for acting or good at remembering lines would be great for joining the club.
The first play, “When Bad Things Happen to Good Actors,” is a comedy about a group performing the Wizard of OZ play where there are multiple missed lines, queues, and random noises. The second play, “Will You Be My Nemesis?” follows the story of a hero searching for the enemy of their dreams.
“It will be a lot of fun. The productions are light-hearted comedies,” said Wishart.
Currently, the show is scheduled for February 8-10.
Anyone who wants to join the Drama Club or be in the February productions can contact Wishart for more information.