Students at PHS recently had an unexpected break shortly after winter vacation due to heavy snowfall. This led to nearly a week of snow days that had to be made up later.
The first make-up date happened on Monday, January 20, initially set as a Teacher In-Service but switched to a student day for all students.
“The second one we’re making up is on President’s Day, which is February 17. The third one, we are making it on Friday, April 18, and the fourth one, we’re making up on Monday, April 21,” said Superintendent Greg Walker.
Walker makes the call of whether we have school or not. School is in session, and the recent weather caused icy road conditions, and buses could not pick up students safely.
“The county roads particularly out in the country areas where the hills don’t get a lot of sunlight are pretty treacherous to get buses on,” said Walker.
Although Paoli students had several days off, they were required to complete classwork during an e-learning day on January 10.
Walker recommended that students contact their teachers if they have trouble completing their assignments.
“The students just have to communicate that with their teachers whenever they can and make it up to the best of their ability,” said Walker.