On Thursday, February 13, the PHS Guidance Department is hosting an orientation for next year’s incoming freshmen, the class of 2029, at 6 p.m. in the Uyesugi Auditorium. This event is for both parents and current eighth graders.
Information on high school diploma tracks, new classes, dual credit classes, early college courses, and the 21st-Century Scholars program will all be discussed during this visit.
“This year will look a little different due to this being our first class with a new set of graduation requirements. There will definitely be a learning curve, but we look forward to navigating this new normal with parents and students,” said Guidance Counselor Katrina Brace.
PHS provides orientation for new freshmen to help prepare them for high school life, their future, and college life. This year is changing up a bit with new graduation requirements and new learning opportunities. Current eighth graders and their families are encouraged to attend. Parents are not required to bring anything to this meeting, they just need to be present during this time to better prepare and help their children for a smooth transition from Junior High to High school.