On January 3, Orange County Sheriff Deputy Zac Andry sustained critical injuries from a shooting and has been in the hospital recovering. Numerous groups in the community, along with support from other communities, have been raising money to support Officer Andry and his family as he begins his road to recovery.
One of the early fund-raisers, held by the Washington County Community, raised a total of $7,260.
The officers of the Paoli Police Department have also shown their support to the Andry family as well. The officers donated their own money, scheduled regular visits to support Zac and his family, and they even supported his kids when they went back to school by meeting them at their schools on the first day back after the incident.
The department has also supported the fundraising efforts from the community, producing and selling items to help the family.
“I am honored to be a member of the Paoli Police Department, and I am proud of the support our department has shown for the Orange County Sheriff Department, and for the Andry family,” said SRO Jon Deaton.
Paoli Schools also participated in raising money in honor of Andry’s recovery. PHS hosted a hat day on January 24, with Throop Elementary, and raised a total of $1,169.42.
“I support all of the efforts of our community and neighboring communities that are working to raise money for the family,” said Deaton.
There were also boxes in the main offices of both schools where students and staff could donate any amount of money they would like.
Two community events, an auction and a coyote hunt, were also held recently in support of Andry. Doe Elliott, one of the leading organizers of these events, has been hosting fund-raisers to help people for years.
“We started doing charity events about eight years ago and been a small turnout raising a couple grand here and there. When we had heard what happened to Zac we knew we had to step up and do something for this family,” said Elliott.
In total, the event raised $35,000, which will all go directly to the Andry family.
“I’m happy to say every single dime went to the Andry family, 100% pay back to them,” said Elliott.
Andry’s story continues to motivate people to support these events.
“Our boys in blue have to deal with daily dangerous tasks and they don’t make near enough money to risk their lives for us, so it’s the least I can do to give back. They keep me and my family safe and I wanted to return the favor for his family. This was the respect he deserves,” said Elliott.
Currently, Andry is still in the process of recovering from his injuries and has been making great progress.
“He is getting routine physical and speech therapy daily. He’s made gestures and is appearing to be more alert. He’s traveled a short distance on his long road to recovery, but we’re all going to take this walk with him and help him along the way. He’s not just our husband, dad, son, brother and uncle, he’s our hero,” said Andry’s sister, Hilary Burton.
One of his nieces, sophomore Emilee Burton, is very thankful for all of the support shown to her uncle.
“The community has done so many fund-raisers, support activities, and more for my uncle Zac and my family. We all have truly loved and appreciated seeing all the activities that our community has been doing. We love seeing the blue lights out, we love the store fund-raisers, we love the t-shirts, we truly love everything. It also has been super helpful for my aunt and cousins. So it truly means so much, we are all super grateful for it. We’re very thankful for our community,” said Burton.
Community Unites in Support of Officer
Local Fundraising Efforts Raise Money for Andry Family
February 27, 2025
The local officer who was in critical condition from a on job shooting
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About the Contributors

Jericho Hopper, Paolite Staff Writer
Senior Jericho Hopper is involved in the Varsity Basketball Team, Varsity Track, Varsity Volleyball, and National Honors Society. In Jericho’s free time after school, she enjoys fishing, reading, swimming, and spending time outside. After school, Jericho plans to study criminal justice/ law in college and then proceed to go to the military after that she wants to work in law enforcement and work her way up. Jericho’s favorite way to wind down after a long day is to shower and relax on her back porch.
Heather Nichols, Adviser