Senior Lakoda Pate is a member of Color Guard. Pate’s goal is to get better and better, even though she’s already widely regarded as being one of the better members of Color Guard.
Some people instantly fall in love with what they want to do the first time they see it, like Pate did.
“I went to a football game and saw the color guard tossing the rifles and instantly knew that I wanted to do that,” said Pate.
Sometimes it does not take long to get the hang of things.
“About half way into my rookie year I got the hang of it,” said Pate. She believed in herself and it worked.
Pate has been in Color Guard longer than most people.
“I have been in Color Guard for six years,” said Pate happily.
There is a downside to being in Color Guard, though.
“Sometimes I get sick of practices, because some people just push my buttons,” said Pate.
Even though Guard can get annoying, there are some good reasons for Pate to stay with it.
“It gives me some more time to spend with my friends, and I enjoy it most of the time.”
Pate has had many great memories in Color Guard, and will treasure them forever.
Story by Brittany Patton