Passions come in different shapes and sizes for different people. For freshman Adam Abounnaaim, singing is the ultimate passion. Growing up, singing was something that Abounnaaim did randomly. In seventh grade, his bass voice kicked and his singing career was born.
“I became interested in joining the choir since it would’ve provided a good place for me to sing and develop my voice, which it has. I love to sing a lot, and the choir provides a good medium to enhance it further,” said Abounnaaim.
When it comes to knowledge about singing, Choir Director Chelsea Bolas taught it all to Abounnaaim. Bolas taught his talent to comprehend music.
Performing is a big part of being a singer, every detail is vital. Abounnaaim believes that the fun involved makes the performance.
“The fun that is entailed in it, whether it be in the performance itself, or the shenanigans that happen during rehearsals or behind-the-scenes. Absolutely hilarious things can ensue during the makings of these,” says Abounnaaim.
Singing is an art that comes with some pros and cons. The aspect of singing itself is Abounnaaim’s favorite part about being a singer.
“My favorite part about being a singer is the singing itself. Let the orchestra of a voice box I have unfurl itself upon the world, and sing the most odd arrangement of notes I can think of,” said Abounnaaim.
As for the future, Abounnaaim believes that he will carry on his career in music and composition of music. He wants to bring new songs that are unique and that have never been sung before. However, the most important part for Abounnaaim is to have fun.
“I hope to contribute to singing and acting by creating my own compositions and plays, and bring new songs and acts that haven’t been sung or acted before. In more immediate circumstances, I intend to continue my recent involvements in singing and to have fun doing so,” said Abounnaaim.
Story by Sara Kesterson