The Read-Write-Walkathon is a fundraiser to help support Throop PTO (Parent Teacher Organization). PTO pays for one field trip for each grade level. Since the group does the Read-Write-Walkathon each year, the students’ parents are not expected to pay for the field trip. The PTO also sponsors events throughout the year, such as the title events and other classroom activities. Some events PTO helps with are the Winter Holiday Festival, Family Game Night and Bingo for Books. Title One teacher Nia Manship leads the Read-Write-Walkathon. People from the community can give money to the Read-Write-Walkathon. People can help by donating money to the students or Throop Elementary.
Students will be participating in the annual parade to celebrate the Read-Write-Walkathon. Students will also be doing fun activities that involve reading, writing and walking.
“I am so glad we are doing the read-write-walkathon again this year. It is a wonderful way that we can support our PTO, which provides all of Throop students with free field trips, and also supports our Title One department with their annual events,” said Manship.
The theme is Read to Success. The goal they are trying to reach is $10,000. The Read-Write-Walkathon is on October 12. Anyone interested in supporting the program contact any Throop teacher or student or contact the front office.