The high school archery team started its season on December 9, 2024, and ended on February 1 after its qualifier tournament. On January 18, the team attended its first tournament at Austin High School. They participated in the Winter Shootout on January 25 and the State Qualifier Tournament on February 1 at North Harrison High School. The High School archery team placed third in the state qualifier tournament but didn’t qualify for state. Paoli Archery is a sport coached by Amanda Bowles. In archery, there are three divisions, which consist of 35 students in total, ranging from fourth to twelfth grade.
“Our team has improved immensely over the season. I have several first-year students, and I could not be more proud of how far they have come in just a handful of weeks,” said Bowles.
She believed that every archer had the potential to qualify for the State competition and hoped that goal would be met this season.
“My hope for next season is to drum up even more participation so that our team can continue to grow and focus on some of the challenges we faced this season,” said Bowles.
If you are interested in joining the archery team in the future or learning more about it, contact Coach Bowles. You can be on the team even if you have no experience, and she recommends trying it if you have never played or want to try a new sport.