For many, it is clear what path to take after graduating high school. Many claim they know what they have wanted to do with their lives at a young age.
For former PHS graduate, Eva Warren-Hill, she knew exactly what she wanted.
Warren-Hill graduated PHS in May 1986. She went on to study Criminal Justice through the School of Arts of Science at Indiana University Bloomington. After getting her diploma four years later, she only had one small regret.
“I do wish I had gone to a smaller school, where I could of gotten one on one attention, where at IU I was just a number,” said Warren-Hill. “No one cared if you were in class or not. You are in charge of your education in college.”
Several years later, Warren-Hill is still happy with the degree she received, but only wishes she would have done something with journalism as well.
“I loved journalism in high school and always have, I just wish I would have gone further with it,” said Warren-Hill.
While in high school, there is an endless amount of activities Warren-Hill participated in, including Hillcrest Staff (Editor-In-Chief) for her junior and senior year, Paolite Staff, Booster Club, Chess Club, Drama Club, FHA, French Club, Football Manager, National Honor Society, Number One Club, Science Club and Student Council.
“Being involved in clubs is important in high school, it gets you out there and you have a taste what college might have to offer,” said Warren-Hill.
Warren-Hill has advice for high school students who need a pick me up for their future.
“Take advantage of the educational opportunities that you have. You are the one in charge of your future. Not your best friend, not the person who you can’t stand at the moment. Not your parents. You. You are in charge of your future,” said Warren-Hill.
Now, Warren-Hill is a case manager for the Department of Child Services. She loves her job and helping families in crises. She is heavily involved in her family life and her friends, and loves where life has taken her.
Story by India Wong