Former 1989 PHS graduate, Carol Fullington is an inspiration to many. With a very full life after graduation, she is a now a very successful woman. Looking back at her high school years though, she would have changed some things.
Fullington is not one to regret things in her life, she feels it is a waste of time, but if she had to do high school over she would have added more variety to her dating life instead of spending so much time going after one love interest. She also would have taken better care of herself in mind, body and spirit.
This is why she wants current PHS students to “Soak it up! Every bit of it!”
“Life is fleeting, you only go around once, and kids need to enjoy all the moments. Not just the big ones,” said Fullington.
Fullington learned so much while attending PHS. Her biggest lesson learned was that the whole community was a part of her family and having teachers, parents of friends, peers, etc. looking out for her gave her a security she has found nowhere else.
Fullington and two of the three of her children have all experienced their high school careers here at PHS and lived by that same advice. Fullington ended up coming back to PHS to be an English teacher.
“Teaching at my old high school is awesome. I am proud to represent the hundreds of success stories that have come out of PHS. I am eager to play a small role in the lives of the future success stories. I want PHS students to realize they have so much potential. Paoli students are not doomed to a life of drugs or unemployment,” said Fullington
Coming back to teach here at Paoli was never a plan for Fullington, but it all just had a way of working out. Bringing her kids back to Indiana to be surrounded by family was what she wanted. She had always wanted her kids to have a similar childhood experience of growing up in a small town which Paoli offered.
The high school performance and people that her two oldest children have grown to be are Fullington’s best achievement and she is eager to see her youngest son follow in their footsteps.
Story by Kennedy Embry