Sophomore Avery Owens loves making a difference in her community. Owens is an active member of the Orange County Youth Council, also known as OCYC. She has been a member for three years.
“I had several friends signing up at the time, and I thought it would be a good experience for me. I really wanted to try something new, and it felt good knowing that I was going into it with some great people,” said Owens.
The group has monthly meetings, and at each meeting, they make a donation to a different charity. Youth Council also rings the Salvation Army bells. OCYC makes sure to recognize people in the community who are making a difference through Golden Deeds.
“Youth Council impacts the community by donating to local charities, helping at local events, and providing philanthropy education for the county’s fourth grade students. Youth Council members give their time, talent, and treasure to the community through various means,” said OCYC leader Destany Pingle.
With the work, comes some play. Christmas parties and summer outings hold some of Owens’ favorite memories.
“My first Christmas party in OCYC we played a game where a present is passed around the circle while a story was being read, and somehow Jalyn Engleking ended up with an avocado at the end of the night, it was a very fun time,” said Owens.
Fun and games aside, Owens loves being so involved with her community and knowing she is making a difference.
“I always know I can count on Avery to do whatever she can, even on short notice. This year, the Youth Council decided to give presentations to the seventh graders for National Philanthropy Day, and even though it was short notice, Avery was one of two Youth Council members there to help with the presentation. She makes helping a priority,” said Pingle.
Owens recommends joining the Orange County Youth Council if you are looking for a fun way to help your community.
“Take the opportunity, apply as an eighth grader because it is definitely easier to get accepted,” said Owens.
Story by Kaden Lewellyn