Twenty Questions with Sophomore Chloe Smith


Q: What is your middle name? A: Renee

Q:What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever found? A: A 2 dollar bill

Q:Is there any place that you have no desire to visit? Why? A: Alaska because it’s cold

Q:What’s the best way you’ve found to calm yourself when you get stressed? A: Naps

Q:What doesn’t exist, but should? A: Unicorns

Q:What’s the one thing that you seem to constantly lose? A: Socks

Q: What is your biggest pet-peeve A: People talking over me

Q:Is there anything that most people find cute that creeps you out? A: Butterflies

Q: What song always gets you on the dance floor? A: Hotel Room Service by Pitbull

Q:What was the last TV show you binge-watched? A: Bunk’d

Q:What’s the phone app you use most? A: Snapchat

Q:What would be the first thing you’d do if you won the lottery? A: Book a flight for Greece

Q:What’s an essential part of your daily routine? A: Waking up

Q:What’s the worst gift you’ve ever received, and what did you do about it? A: I have never recieved a bad gift.

Q:What do you look for in a friendship? A: Humor

Q:What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done, and why did you do it? A: Slingshot because my dad begged me to do it with him.

Q:What is your biggest irrational fear? A: Butterflies

Q:What do you regret not doing in the last year? A: Studying

Q:If you could relive one moment in your life, which would it be? A: Boys winning sectional last year

Q:If you could live in a movie, which one would it be and why? A: Spiderman because I want to meet Spiderman.