Life Skills Students Work for Classroom Shop


Makynsie Russelburg, Hillcrest Yearbook Staff

Students in Kathleen Mulryan’s life skills class participate in many activities around the school, which other students have wondered about. These activities include wiping cafeteria tables, stacking chairs and sweeping the floor. Students do so to earn money for a shop in their classroom.

“At the end of the month, they use the money they’ve earned to shop for the things they want. In the store, there are a variety of things such as snacks, holiday decorations, electronic accessories, toys, fidgets and many other things,” said Mulryan. 

Students can also participate in activities around the classroom, such as wiping desks, sweeping the floor, emptying small trash cans, carrying items in for staff and doing laundry for the JAG closet. 

“This is to help them learn what it is like to have a job and earn money. The students always look forward to the day they shop because I buy new things to add to the store and it’s always different,” said Mulryan.