On December 4, students gathered in the auditorium for a Kahoot “Trivia Game Show” hosted by U.S. history teacher Chris Lindley and Science Teacher Lori Stroud.
“The idea of the game show was connected to last year’s December half-day. I decided we would do something similar but with a new twist of some interesting trivia that some students might know but which would also build our entire student’s knowledge, while also connecting to our everyday lives,” said Lindley.
All homerooms in grades 7-12 participated in this activity, a few students were selected from each class to play the games and represent their homeroom and grade level. The categories included many different questions from topics such as Latin America, U.S. geography, Technology, Automotive, Health, Fitness, and Nutrition.
Each grade level was split into groups depending on what grade they were in and who their homeroom teachers were. Not all homerooms got to participate in every topic, but the audience was buzzing with answers to provide for their favorite grade level or class to win.
Once the games were finished, the overall scoreboard results were 1st went to Freshmen, 2nd was earned by the Juniors, and 3rd place was won by the Seventh Grade.
“I think that both the students who participated and the ones in the audience enjoyed the game show. It ran well and was high energy, we had some surprising winners in categories while other groups fizzled,” said Lindley.
Freshmen Crowned Kahoot Champs
A New Tradition
December 30, 2024
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Kayeshley Piper, Paolite Staff Writer
My name is Kayeshley Piper. I love to watch Netflix shows such as "Xo, Kitty" and "My life with the Walter boys." I enjoy reading romance novels and chilling in my bed. I want to go to college for either Veterinary sciences or to be a CNA. English is my favorite subject and I want to minor in English studies as well.