Old Test With New Purposes

Old Test With New Purposes

Makiya Russelburg, Paolite Staff Writer

Many new changes have been made within the halls of PHS just recently. One of those changes being the removal of the I-STEP (Indiana Statewide Testing for Educational Progress-Plus) as a requirement for graduation.

In place of the I-STEP, all students, starting with the Class of 2023, will now be required to take the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test). The new SAT requirement was set by the Indiana Department of Education. Every student will take the SAT during their junior year of high school.

This is also an opportunity for students to take the test during the school day at no cost. The SAT will measure math, writing, and reading abilities in students in grade 11.

It is administered in the spring of each school year, beginning Spring 2022 with the new implementation.

The primary testing window for this year’s SAT testing will be March 2-4, 2022, with the make-up testing available from April 13-20, 2022. All juniors will take the SAT test this year on March 3.

Students must receive a score of at least 480 for Reading/Writing, and a score of at least 530 for Math to fulfill their Bucket 3 for graduation requirements.

For more information, visit https://www.in.gov/ doe/students/ assessment/ high schoolassessment/, or contact School Counselor Rachel Robinson at robinsonr@paoli. k12.in.us.